Headaches // Tips


If you are like me and get headaches a lot, then I have some helpful tips for you!


I like to treat my headaches and migraines naturally. However, if they become unbearable I do take ibuprofen, but first I like to try the following first.

  1. Apply a heated compress to your forehead (avoid putting the hot towel or compress on your eyes!!)

  2. Turn off all the lights and close your eyes for 20 minutes. Sometimes I even like to take a quick nap.

  3. Drink plenty of water! You need to stay hydrated especially when your head is hurting.

  4. Drink tea - I find tea comforting and drinking a cup of tea is soothing, which helps me relax my mind.

  5. Avoid looking at screens - Sometimes headaches can occur when you have been looking at your computer, television, or phone more often than usual.

  6. Relax - I like to do something relaxing such as colour, draw, or wood burn to pass the time until my headache fades.

  7. Use essential oils - use an essential oil diffuser or aroma candle that is eucalyptus or lavender. I find those work the best, but you can find the type that suits you best. Avoid strong smells like perfumes or colognes.

  8. Exercise - depending on how you feel, do some light stretching, yoga, or a light workout to get your body and blood pumping.

  9. Occurrence - if you find yourself getting chronic headaches, then maybe it was triggered by food. There are certain foods out there that can cause migraines. I would suggest you try the elimination diet (https://www.instagram.com/p/BlqAgjNgfkD/ ) - that link tells you more about the elimination diet and takes you to an older EJL instagram post. I will explain the elimination diet in another post on my website. However, it is just a trial and error process helping you figuring out if something you ate caused your headaches. Common things that cause headaches are coffee, chocolate, and citrus fruits - everyone is different though.

Hope this helps you!


TipsJayshree Asnani