Trouble Sleeping?


Do You Have Trouble Sleeping? ⠀
If yes, below are some helpful tips on how to help you sleep better!⠀


1. Create a schedule - the best thing you can do is to start going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time in the morning, during the week. This of course may be harder for some based on your responsibilities, but do your best to create a schedule that works for you. Eventually you’ll have an inner clock and you’ll fall asleep in no time! (This is my personal fave!) ⠀

2. Creating a bedtime routine - to trigger your mind and body that you are ready for bed, create a nightly routine and follow it. Start with washing your face, brushing your teeth, and reading or listening to calming music. Whatever gets you to wind down. ⠀

3. Be Active - During the day, keep active and busy so that by the time you are ready for bed you are too tired to even worry about how you cannot sleep ⠀

4. Caffeine intake ~ Do your best to have caffeine in the morning and try to avoid having it in the late afternoon/ evenings. ⠀
5. Hot Shower - if you are still having trouble sleeping, I’d recommend taking a quick hot shower or bath to help relax you before bed. ⠀


How ToJayshree Asnani