Journal Ideas


Journal Ideas

Anybody else love journaling as much as I do ? 👀

Well if you do and have a blank journal, try one of the journal ideas below! 💜
1. Dream Journal 
2. Sleep Journal 
3. Food Log
4. Random Ideas 
5. Poems Journal 
6. Small Sketches 
7. Diary 
8. Gratitude Journal 
9. Favourite Quotes 
10. Scrapbooking Journal 
11. Summer Memories Journal 
12. Future & Present Quotes
13. Day Planner 
14. Healthy Habits 
15. Workout Journal 
16. Meal Planner 
17. Recipes 
18. Money Expenses 
19. Lessons you’ve Learned 
20. Travel Journal 
22. Anxiety Patterns 
23. Happiness Journal

IdeasJayshree Asnani