Balancing Work + Life


Work + Life Balance ⁣⁣

🏡 + 👪 + 👩🏽‍💻= freedom ⁣
One of the best ways to reduce stress and optimize your time is to balance your tasks between work + life to improve overall functionality and productivity. ⁣⁣
As you can see in the diagram above - the common factor between the two is self-love, self-care, and your overall health. ⁣⁣
It is about finding a balance between working long hours, having personal time, and doing home tasks without feeling burnt out. ⁣⁣
3 tips to help balance work + life: ⁣⁣
❤️ Be Kind - be kind to yourself, to your mind, and to your body. Set time aside to take breaks, take a quick walk, or time to breathe. Make sure you are resting and listening to what your body needs. ⁣⁣
⏱ Limitations - Set healthy boundaries with business. Schedule work time and focus on getting your tasks done, one at a time. Avoid multi-tasking! ⁣⁣
🤝 Accountability - find a friend, coach, or partner to keep you accountable with balancing out your day to day tasks. Keep each other motivated, but also encouraging one another to rest. ⁣⁣
How do you balance work + life?

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Jayshree Asnani