Benefits of Reading
I use to read a lot and more than I do now - I use to challenge myself to read as many books as I could, but as I got older, I slowly stopped reading and I do miss it. There is something about reading a physical copy of a book and getting lost in the story. I love romance novels, self-help books, and the occasional fan fiction. I hope to get back into reading soon.
Below are 5 benefits you can gain from reading:
Concentration - In a world that is filled with so much technology - reading can help you focus and concentrate on your tasks. People, like myself, like to multi task, but when you are reading all your attention is on the book itself and everything fades away. You will be surprised at how much reading can help your concentration skills.
Reduce Stress - I think it is common knowledge that reading can help you relax. There is nothing better than lying on the beach and reading a good book. Reading forces you to stop worrying and creates a healthy distraction.
Mental Stimulation - Just as we workout to keep our bodies strong, reading keeps our minds strong and always active.
Knowledge - Every book I have read, I have gained more knowledge and a new perspective on my life. Sometimes I would take notes on the things I learned from a book because it inspired me that much.
Better Writing Skills & Vocabulary Expansion - Reading has improved my writing skills in ways I did not even notice at first. I can better organize my thoughts into proper sentences. Whenever I would come across a word I was unfamiliar with, I would look it up, learn it, and broaden my vocabulary.